G’day lounge lizards of the North Beaches, and, indeed, life can be so easy on this part of earth amidst salty seas and breezy afternoons that one does tend to forget how much wear and tear is taking place on the cushions. The word on the inside is that it is high time you began adding to your routine furniture maintenance other than this awesome upholstery Northern Beaches Carpet Cleaning service that we’re going to need every now and then. After all, who doesn’t want that professional spark right inside their home and at any time?

First things first: Vacuum, baby! All that dust is like that cousin who comes to visit around the holiday time and just won’t seem to leave.

It works its way right into the fibers and then settles into nooks like it owns the place. Regular vacuuming-nondabrasive brush attachment-nips those underhanded dirt particles in the bud so that they don’t dull down your fabulous furniture into some lesser version of itself.

You wouldn’t stop brushing your hair for weeks; neither should you let your cushions go that long. Now, back to dust: beat off its partners in crime, stains, and spills with timely intervention. We’ve all been there: that urbane afternoon tea so serenely turns into mayhem the minute Earl Grey makes cruel contact with your sofa. I recall my grandmother saying in tones akin to, “Blot, never rub.”. Ever notice that funny smell that comes wafting up the instant you plop down after a long day? Sprinkle a handful of baking soda over your dear seaters, let it work its magic until the next morning, then get up, vacuum it off, and-voilà: your home now smells like a daisy on a fresh, crisp morning breeze.

Northern Beaches Carpet Cleaning
90 Mona Vale Rd, Warriewood NSW 2102
(02) 8311 0608

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